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National Police Service Commission Presents Budget Appeal to Parliamentary Committee

The National Police Service Commission this morning appeared before the parliamentary Committee on Administration and Internal Security to defend its supplementary estimates. The Commission led by the Chair Eliud Kinuthia, CBS called on the Committee to reconsider its budget cut move to enable the Commission execute its mandate efficiently. 

During the presentation, the chair revealed that the Commission intends to recruit over 25,000 police officers for a period of five years adding that inadequate funds have hindered the recruitment process for the last two years. The Chair further informed the Committee that so far over 10,000 police officers have either left the service through natural attrition, deployment and retirement among other causes. 

 The Committee Chair Hon. Gabriel K. Tong’oyo underscored the critical role played by the security sector in the Country pledging to review the budget even as the Government undertakes austerity measures. In attendance were Commissioners; John Ole Moyaki, Dr. Lilian Kiambaa, Edwin Cheluget, CEO Peter Leley, DCEO’s John Wambugu and Dr. Silas Mc’Opiyo and other Senior Management team.

Previous Vacancy in the positions of Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG-KPS & DIG-APS)

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