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Commission Commences Interviews for Deputy Inspector Generals (APS & KPS)

The National Police Service Commission this morning commenced interviews of the Deputy Inspector General, Kenya Police Service and Deputy Inspector General, Administration Police Service in line with its constitutional mandate under Article 246 (3) (a) to recruit and appoint persons to hold or act in offices in the service, confirm appointments and determine promotions and transfers within the National Police Service.
In exercising this mandate, the Commission is guided by the values and principles of public service enshrined in Article 232 of the Constitution more specifically the need to ensure fair competition and merit as the basis for appointments and promotions.


A total of 38 applications were received for both positions. 21 applicants expressed interest for the position of Deputy Inspector General of Kenya Police Service while 13 applicants sought to fill the position of Deputy Inspector General of Administration Police Service. 4 other applicants did to specify the position of interest. The Commission through a rigorous exercise that included invitations to members of the public to submit information relating to the candidates, shortlisted 8 candidates for both positions that is 4 for DIG Kenya Police Service and 4 for DIG Administration Police Service. These interviews are a critical step in our ongoing efforts to enhance effectiveness and professionalism of the National Police Service. They are a testament to our dedication to recruiting the best candidates to serve and protect our nation with integrity and professionalism.

Previous Shortlisted Candidates for DIG positions NPS 2024

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